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411 https://rentmen.eu/JasonJamesX


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Being a Knight means you've been around a while. It is time that you learned to post a link when you make an inquiry.


He probably thought he did so by putting the url in the thread title. Perhaps he didn't realize that would render it non-functional as a link. I'd imagine that the lesson has been learned.

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... If you copy and paste it. If you had pasted it in the text rather the title it would have worked as an actual link. That was what the others were saying, not that it wasn't a valid URL.


And I’m saying the link works for me as it is!


Yes, I could’ve and should’ve pasted it again within the text body of my OP but the link in the title at the top of this page does work. I don’t know why it doesn’t work for you.

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Interesting, it doesn't for me in Firefox, Microsoft Edge or on my phone. Perhaps your browser or computer can create a link of something that looks like a URL. Dunno. One of life's mysteries! (Returns to scheduled programs: no info in the guy.)


It doesn't work for me either, because he has 411 in the thread title.



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Okay, so several forum members have established that posting a URL in a thread title renders it nonfunctional as a link for the most popular browsers, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari, and the mobile phone versions of these browsers. In contrast, only one person (the original poster) has said that he can tap on a URL in a thread title and that it works as a link. So, with respect to the need or desire for a functional link so as to respond to a 411 request, by a ratio of 6 or 7 to 1, the people have spoken. Now we know - links go in the body of threads, and not in the title. Lesson learned.


Moving on, the escort asked about is very handsome, but despite having several reviews on RM, he doesn't seem to have any on Daddy's and no forum member seems to have any experience. That's a shame. Hopefully, someone here takes a flier on this escort and can report back to help the OP or any other viewers of this thread (like myself) who liked the escort's ad.

Edited by Strafe13
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I met him over a year ago in Las Vegas. I will not review him here, but the pics are legit and he is both sexy and a nice guy. I might or might not hire again, but not because of anything he did or didn't do.

Please don't ask questions in public or private because I will not likely be back on for another year to answer them:oops:.

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I met him over a year ago in Las Vegas. I will not review him here, but the pics are legit and he is both sexy and a nice guy. I might or might not hire again, but not because of anything he did or didn't do.

Please don't ask questions in public or private because I will not likely be back on for another year to answer them:oops:.

Since you’ve been back on as recently as Wednesday would you consider giving us some info on your meeting?

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