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Guess the city game

Tarte Gogo

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For the few of us that are Geo nerds, we found a game, which in the past we played in the gallery thread called “what a beautiful landscape”, but I thought that since we can easily cross reference, and in order to make the game more visible, we should play it in its own thread.


So this is the “guess the city” thread.


Rules of the game:

1. One poster asks in this thread a question “Where was this picture taken?”, and refers to a picture posted elsewhere in the gallery, with a hot guy in the foreground and a city or some other identifiable landscape in the background.

2. It can be used either if the poster genuinely would like to know, or if the poster already knows and just wants to see how quickly can the others guess.

3. The rest can make guesses using their own memories, other pictures on the internet, google earth, google street etc, or anything they like. Reply here. Make sure you explain which pictures you are guessing by quoting, in case there are several running simultaneously.

4. The first to guess the city (e.g. just “Paris”) gets a point. Points are to be assigned based on post time.

5. Please no cheating with the late edits. Only one guess per post, please, otherwise you could just list 1o0 “maybe” cities, and one of them is bound to be the right one, that obviously can’t count.

6. A second point can go to the more specific location (e.g. “taken from the top of Eiffel Tower facing south”).


That is it, let’s keep the rule simple or we’ll make it less fun.

Edited by Tarte Gogo
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Here is the first one. I am asking because I don’t know and genuinely wondering.

Colourful hillside and sea side town:

What a beautiful landscape!

Try to not let the abs distract you.


somewhere near Naples Italy, I guess.



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That is a good hint, and seems to be likely, I am looking at google picture “village near Naples” and several of them look indeed similar to this.


I found it!







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