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  1. I don't mind it.... but only as a representation of what I'm grabbing while they pound me... Nice thick muscley ass to drive what's on the flipside home a little harder... What is annoying.... 'hung tops' who post ass pics, but no cock...... I mean, come on!
  2. $300 was the NYC norm before the pandemic. $250 quotes are popping up more and more.
  3. Any confirmation on the 9"?
  4. Ugh..... DEFINITIVE NO. As always.... saved by the Forum.
  5. Someone please take the plunge! @Hung_Cody
  6. I think I read something that his wife actually knew about is sexuality before they were married.
  7. OK.... I've read 20+ articles... None with the pic! Does anyone have it!? Side note.... Gay brother Scott is aging nicely! Chris Evans accidentally shared an explicit picture https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqgAEICiJ6Q0JJU1ZUb0pjM1J2Y25rdE16WXdTa2dLRVFqWnlLYmlrSUFNRVVNZTFyaVlwQjBXRWpORGFISnBjeUJGZG1GdWN5QmhZMk5wWkdWdWRHRnNiSGtnYzJoaGNtVmtJR0Z1SUdWNGNHeHBZMmwwSUhCcFkzUjFjbVVvQUFQAQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen
  8. Likewise.... @leftbench23.... Details please!
  9. Good day all- Any recommendations for guys not found in the usual big city locales? I'm in RURAL North Carolina for the time being and thinking about trying out a few cities on the east coast since I can work from anywhere.... Would rather not fly.....prefer to drive. Been thinking Raleigh for a week, Charleston, SC, Savannah, GA, maybe Columbus, OH.... Anywhere else? Tennessee? Kentucky? Never been to Atlanta.... I like HUNG tops who love to FUCK. Ripped bods are OK, but decent/average is fine too. Guys not on RM or other sites are fine too if you can hook me up. Saving on rent so I can pay for quality! THANKS!!!
  10. Anyone have any recent experience with Mr. McGraw? The gun video..... why is that necessary? But damn... some of those vids.... love when the top 'self-lubricates'! And curious about the age.... 5 years ago, I was 42.... Today I'm 47..... I'm thinking he's been 38 for awhile? Still find him very hot and I'm curious.... https://rent.men/AidenMcGraw
  11. Any info? https://rent.men/AdamAdonis
  12. He's got a great face, very masculine, sizeable cock and very good top. He's not entirely 'new' to this either. Wondering if he lost his benefactor... and needs the extra money again.
  13. https://rent.men/HungMatt This guy is a lot of fun...but definitely looking to be in a 'private collection'.... I think he found someone, got dumped, and is back.
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