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  1. I didn't take that from what he said at all. If anything, not disclosing the guy's past behavior kept the discussion focused on his question in his original post, which was whether he should give the guy a refund in those circumstances. He didn't set out to show the guy in a bad light, in my reading. Will he do the exact same thing to me if I am his client? I don't know: am I stalking him first in this scenario? I think anyone has a right to get a bit irked about creepy behavior. Thankfully, it wasn't dangerous creepy (lavender rash aside, of course). Finally, did he disclose anything about the client at all that would make him identifiable? All we know is that he's on Grindr, has tats, and wants to get fucked. That doesn't narrow things down much...
  2. There are many, many places you could go. They change all the time, though. If you want help finding a place that suits your needs, let me know here or by PM.
  3. He's lucky you didn't fuck him using the lotion, then. I'd say no refund.
  4. Transfer on Death may be fine for bank accounts, but if you put real property in joint tenancy, you are giving away that interest in property now. You may be creating a taxable event for yourself, violating the terms of your mortgage or loan agreements, and triggering a tax reassessment of that interest in the property. That could be a big deal, depending on where you live. You can't "deed" personal property, because deeds are only for interests in real property.
  5. Depending on what state you're in, you may be better off going with the lawyer, or a lawyer as your executor, than a financial advisor. If you're in California, for instance, the lawyer can't double-dip and take a fee as the lawyer and as the executor. That kind of depends on what your estate is composed of, though. If you have securities, the lawyer may take it on, but if your wealth is tied up in Beanie Babies, probably not. A professional fiduciary is a good way to go. Northern Trust takes on a lot of these. https://www.northerntrust.com/ There might also be an independent professional fiduciary in your area. If you're in California, you can also check out. https://pfac-pro.org/ If your lawyer is primarily an estate planner, they will know some decent fiduciaries in your area. Good luck!
  6. You might want to consider consulting with a plaintiff-side employment lawyer in the area where you worked. They can tell you what realistic expectations are, whether you have a claim worth pursuing, and the various avenues open to you, such as an EEOC complaint process, a state employment discrimination process, or other avenues. Many will offer a free consultation, although whether the good ones where you are, I can't say. If you can get a free consultation, which is usually 30 minutes to an hour, you should present yourself well, have any relevant paperwork organized, and be prepared to give a coherent capsule summary of what happened in very concrete, linear chronology. Including the parts that might not be favorable to you. Good luck!
  7. Flaccid and stretched, according to the article: "A researcher measured the patients’ penile length — flaccid and stretched — just after they went under anesthesia for their operations. A different researcher measured the men’s finger lengths, in order to prevent knowledge of one measurement unconsciously affecting the other."
  8. I forgot about Wonderstruck--haven't had a chance to see it yet. I'll bump it up the list. Thanks!
  9. Was simply ignoring him not an option?
  10. My Beautiful Laundrette was an early favorite of mine. One of the first films in which the gay characters didn't end up dead or broken at the end. Has anyone mentioned Happy Together, by Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai? Definitely not a happy movie, but worth a viewing. I really liked it when I saw it. It's about 20 years old, and I haven't seen it in a long time. Carol, Todd Haynes' most recent movie, is pretty great. Actually, anything by Todd Haynes is pretty great, IMHO.
  11. Wouldn't it be Eros/Cupid? He was usually depicted in Greek and Roman art as a young man, not as a chubby baby. Eros/Cupid doesn't carry the same allusion to venereal disease that Venus does, though.
  12. I think that's a myth. However, one study suggests that the ratio between the lengths of the index finger and the ring finger correlates with penis size. In that study, the dicks got bigger as the length of the ring finger approached or exceeded the length of the index finger. http://healthland.time.com/2011/07/06/penis-size-it-may-be-written-in-the-length-of-his-fingers/
  13. Do baby ducks know how to swim before they hit the water for the first time? Maybe, maybe not, but either way, they sure do pick it up quickly. As a teenager, I fooled around with guys and girls, but I definitely felt I knew what I was doing with the guys a whole lot better than I did with the girls. Probably because I'd been thinking about it non-stop for years by the at point, and had, uh, practiced extensively on myself.
  14. Food is definitely the best reason to visit Osaka. And food is pretty great in Hiroshima, too.
  15. It's an all East Bay thread so far! Sort of. I'm a former denizen of the East Bay here. Can I ask why you're going to Osaka? If this is your first trip to Japan, you might find Kyoto more interesting than Osaka.
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