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DC Beau

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Everything posted by DC Beau

  1. The date of our meeting and the date of his first post here coincide by about one week. It was a reasonable assumption on my part.
  2. www.DCBeau.com Here's a link to my website! Hope to hear from y'all
  3. WOW! Just catching up on this thread about me and my abilities as a service provider and hats off to those of you who have been chiming in to what are obviously DC Monuments sex negative view points about escorts and his own behavior choices. Having met DC Monument once as a client, I declined to engage with him further after a tirade of paranoid health freakouts tied primarily to his negative view points about his sexual health and "risky" behavior and a supposed sinus infection he was battling after our one and only meeting. I am always happy to work with gentlemen who are struggling with their sexuality, but some clients are better off seeing a counselor or talk therapist first before moving to a body worker. I had to block his communication eventually, which is most likely what led him to vent here. All that to say, I am a happy and healthy body worker who has a fabulous client base that I've been lucky to work with for over 8 years and I look forward to meeting many more. I take care of my own health by testing 3 times a year and I never engage in bare penetrative play and decline to work with folks who need that as a prerequisite. Hello to you all here on the forums! I've been busy and have missed the last few Daddy's lunchons here in DC but I wish you all the best and hope to meet some of you in the future. Much love, Beau Chambliss www.DCBeau.com
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