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Everything posted by Aquarionsol

  1. Hey guys, I hope all is well. Has anyone met https://rent.men/PuertoRicanPapii/
  2. Being a/the flagship store it should be great.
  3. Hey Guys, Any info on https://rent.men/DominicanMacho
  4. Hello Guys, Does anyone have any info on these guys. https://rent.men/Acelapat/#platinum https://rent.men/Dilancristian/#platinum https://rent.men/Nicklause/#platinum
  5. Thanks I will make sure to steer clear of him.
  6. Hello, Does anyone have any info on https://rent.men/DomHungTop/
  7. Hello, Has anyone met up with https://rent.men/TristanChase/
  8. Has anyone seen RafaelNyc recently?
  9. This is what happens when your thicker than a milkshake:D
  10. I have had that experience before but I actually unloaded in my pants. I didn’t even realize I was hard. I will have to give what your client did a try. If I can get tickets to K-Con next year I will hit you up. I should have my profile updated by then .
  11. Yes I don't understand the haggling. I would not feel right doing that. Do you travel a lot around the country or just within Cali? Has RM adding hashtags helped at all? What are your thoughts on RM clients having or not having a bio?
  12. Wait there are different charges for different things? Do you mean the difference between hourly, overnight, weekend or different pricing for fetishes/kinks? Would you say cockrings, viagra, or similar products are a necessary tool for escorting like lube and condoms. Every time I see an escort with an erection I truthfully want to ask what is your secret because I honestly dont believe your that attracted to me. I never do for fear that 1 may be wrong and 2 it comes off as being rude/insulting to them.
  13. Talk about face planting straight into that one lol. Sorry your right I should of said some. If you dont mind me asking how can a client help fulfill an escorts needs? I am always wondering if the guy I am seeing is actually having some fun.
  14. Really even clients. Your page is the most detailed I have ever seen. That is amazing that you still get asked such questions. I could understand saying what your not into because it seems like most escorts check off every box.
  15. Hello Guys, Why is it that at least 1/4-1/3 of the escorts that I have e-mailed ask what are you into? I understand that your mailboxes are inundated with e-mails probably even more now since RM got rid of whether you do in/outcalls and price. So I was wondering do y'all check potential clients pages? Sincerely, Aquarionsol
  16. Will do and also start researching international gyms. I didn’t even think or realize that the fitness world had come so far.
  17. Well if you don’t like to drink you could always try the tea. https://www.goodlifetea.com/blogs/news/ice-wine-tea-facts http://blog.greenhilltea.com/ice-wine-tea-health-benefits/
  18. https://www.travelgayasia.com/destination/gay-south-korea/gay-seoul/ check here
  19. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-mysteries-love/201803/why-agreement-sex-is-not-consent https://powertodecide.org/sexual-health/your-sexual-health/articles-about-healthy-sex-life/was-it-rape-thinking-about-consent Sexual Assault, the umbrella term for all sexual violence, is generally understood as a coerced or forcible unwanted non-penetrative sexual contact. Rape on the other hand would be the coerced or forcible unwanted penetrative sexual contact. 1) It sounds like Mr. Zayne was being coerced into having sex that he did not want. 2) Mr. Zayne consented only to being penetrated not to be ejaculated into. 3) Mr. DiMaggio was being sexually deceitful by allowing Mr. Zayne to believe he would not ejaculate inside him. Mr. DiMaggio definitely violated the limits that Mr. Zayne said he was willing to go. I would say he was raped, with todays standards, especially if the act took place in a state with Affirmative Consent Laws. At the very least he was definitely sexually assaulted. Obviously every person is different that is why the sexual partner matters in these cases matter because not every sees things the same way. Look what happened to Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein. So if he says don't touch my balls you best not.
  20. I used think Dylan @ Babylon was amazing until I went to see Jerry @ EMS. Has anyone seen anyone they think could top Jerry?
  21. At the end of the day I don't care as long as I had a great experience. I honestly could not even tell their sexuality from the limited time interacting with them. I always figured they all fake it to make it for a majority of their customers.
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