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  1. https://rentmen.eu/Dominik_Prague Any intel on this guy? Ad appears new, and his location is Prague but visiting Toronto and Montreal this summer... My gut feeling is too good to be true...
  2. Here in Toronto there are 48 ads on RentMasseur, and only 5 on Masseurfinder. And three of those guys are also on RentMasseur. Not sure if the trend is different elsewhere, but RentMasseur is the obvious go-to site here.
  3. He used to have a profile under the name Charles Paquette
  4. It’s sometimes called a vichy shower in spas. These pictures will give you a sense of what professional ones look like. https://www.google.com/search?q=vichy+shower&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS661US661&hl=en-US&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiNseSzt5bpAhVNCc0KHa4rCFIQ_AUoAXoECBIQAQ&biw=375&bih=638
  5. Lol...maybe he’s listening. Booty picture just added.
  6. He’s real (sent you a message) @ncc1701d but I don’t know if he’s any good as an escort.
  7. I requested private pics and got no response... Now he says he unlocks for serious clients only.
  8. @lonely_john Who’s the guy in Toronto?
  9. I did a reverse search on the photos. They seem to be all over Pinterest etc. Not always a red flag, but I’m not even sure they are the same person. He seems much bulkier in 2 and 3 than the others. My guess is stolen photos, but I’d be happy to be wrong...
  10. The account is 8 years old but I’m sure I’ve never seen it before...either the photos are new or he recently reactivated it. And that ass picture...wow!!
  11. Yes, the body is great and he’s real, but my experience was that he was very impersonal and as others have noted he short changes on time. The last two RentMasseur reviews while positive, both say the session was over in 40 minutes or less.
  12. I saw him this week. Pics are real. He was really nice and open - we had a great conversation before getting into the action. I'm happy to answer any specific questions via PM.
  13. He's a really nice guy, pics are real. He's French Canadian but English is good. He's straight but gives a proper massage.
  14. I reached out to him and never got a response...
  15. Yes, he originally had a mix of fake pictures from the Australian model, and more explicit photos from someone else. He then removed the fake pictures after he got caught. If the photos of someone else were / are really of him, he looks great, and so I have no idea why he would use fake pictures. It can't have been for privacy, because he cropped the face out of the fake pictures...
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